We use the internet every day and get the desired information by searching on Google. Have you ever wondered how we get this information? We get this information from blogs. In today’s time, blogging is considered to be the best way to make a better career and earn money, because along with money, people also get popularity in it.
Therefore, in today’s article we will tell you What is blogging and how to earn money from Blogging. Will give complete information about this. If you want to learn about blogging in details and become a professional blogger, then do check out our premium blogging course. With this you will become a professional blogger.
What is blogging and how to earn money from Blogging
What is blog?
So let us first know what a blog is, blog is an English word. Which is the short name of the word web blog, which started in 1998. This is a free service provided by Google, through which a person can share his thoughts with the whole world. People use blogs to easily convey their ideas to others. The post written on the blog reaches every person who searches about it on Google. A blog is like a website, which can be created absolutely free and Google has made its interface in such a way that everyone can use it easily. The only difference between a website and a blog is that to create a website, it is necessary to have knowledge of many types of web designing programs and it also costs money to create it. Whereas blog is a free service, to create it, a website is required like Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Medium, Weebly, Joomla etc., any person can create his blog very easily and very soon.
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A blog is run by one person or one team. Blogs are very popular among people and almost everyone likes to use it. In the initial days, the blog can be created for free and later changes can be made as per your need. Because free blogs do not have all the features. The size of a blog is smaller than that of a website, hence blog is also called digital diary. Articles, photos, videos and externals are present in the blog and the content of the blog is called blog post. These blog posts can be shared on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.
What is blogging
Let us now know what blogging is. Creating a blog, writing posts on it every day, publishing it and designing your blog well, all these activities are called blogging. The person creating it has to keep posting his thoughts from time to time. Writing blog posts, designing your blog, responding to comments on posts. Similarly, whatever a blogger does to run a blog, we call it blogging in common words.
Why Blog is write?
Now friends, the question here is why a blog is written. Fifteen to 20 years ago, people used to write their suggestions or some important things in diaries and share them with everyone through newspapers and magazines. Similarly, in today’s modern era, people like to write and share it on the internet. This is called blog. Any topic can be written in a blog. Their subjects can be general as well as special. Many blogs are related to a particular topic and provide news, information or ideas related to that topic. Like there are blocks related to technology, in which information about new and old technology is given. The person who writes a blog is called a blogger and the work done on the blog is called blogging.
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How to earn money from Blogging?
Money can also be earned online through blogs. Blogging can be done on any topic. Like sports, entertainment, health, technology, science. Blogging is divided into two categories. One is personal blogging and the other is professional blogging, personal blogging is also called hobby blogging. These are those bloggers who have some story, incident, truth, legend or experience, which they share with everyone. This story or experience can be about their personal life or it can also be about someone else. Such blogs are often created by celebrities and famous people so that through it they can convey their views to the common people or to their fans. They do not want to earn money from blogging, they just do blogging as a hobby. Personal blogs are written by celebrities, so common people also like to read such blogs so that they can know their artist closely.
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Professional blogging is done by those bloggers who consider blogging as their profession or business. From these they earn enough money to fulfill their needs and dreams. This blogging is like a kind of business, in which better planning, strategy, hard work and time have to be done. Only then do you get the fruits of your hard work. Professional bloggers earn money by monetizing the block in many ways. Like Google Adsense, advertising membership website, affiliate links, donations, e-books, online, courses, etc.
Among these, Google Adsense is the most effective means of earning money. A professional blogger is completely different from a personal blogger. If you are fond of writing then you can easily choose the path of blogging. But if you want to earn good money through blogging then you need a better plan, dedication, hard work and patience for that. Blogging is not so easy and if you are thinking that you have started blogging today then money will start coming from tomorrow itself. So you are absolutely wrong. For that you need hard work and above all patience.
How to became blogger?
Now we will know how to become a blogger and what has to be done for this. A blogger is a person who writes posts in a blog from time to time. There is no need for any special qualification to become a blogger, anyone from any category can do it by sparing time like students, housewives, working people, businessmen, youth, elderly etc. Every person can do blogging, who has something to write and who likes to write. He just needs to have some knowledge about internet and blogging.
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Apart from this, you have to ask yourself whether you are an expert in this subject on which you can write as many articles or posts as possible. Because before creating a blog, we have to choose a topic which is called Niche and then write and post information related to it. That is why first of all you have to think on which topic you can write better and more interesting than others. There are millions of blocks in this world and there are many topics on which something or the other can be written every day like fashion, food, fitness, news, life, style, photos, movies, gaming, finance, politics, business, personal, automobiles. , Pets, Education, Gadgets, Health, Technology etc.
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Whatever may be any of these topics or any topic different from these, it should be a topic of your choice, on which you can write without getting tired. To earn money by blogging, good traffic is required on the blog, for which a blogger has to work very hard and to have good traffic, he has to write good content. Nowadays, to run a blog successfully, a blogger not only has to write but also has to do many other things like planning for the blog and setting goals, which topics to cover and how many times a week the articles are to be published. To publish, to write an article, research has to be done. One has to find keywords related to the topic and choose the right image for the blog post. From time to time the design of the blog has to be changed, speed of the site and other problems have to be fixed.
Blog is a medium through which a person can present his thoughts, his thinking, his opinion and his knowledge in front of people. This is a platform where new things have to be written every day and users always get to learn new things. So friends, I hope that from this article you will learn how to become a blogger and what to do in blogging. You must have got all the information related to this. It is always my endeavor that through our articles you can get complete information on the given topic so that you do not have to go anywhere else. If you have any problem related to this article, you can definitely tell us in the comment below, so that we can solve your problem as soon as possible. So tis is the way to What is blogging and how to earn money from Blogging. We also provide you blogging premium course.
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