In this article we will learn about web hosting, such as what is web hosting?, what is google cloud hosting? and how it’s work. So friends, web hosting is a service that provides physical location to your website on the internet. Only with the help of web hosting are we able to make our site available for others to see on the Internet. Web hosting is the place where all your files, images, videos are stored. A web hosting service provider maintains your website’s data on its servers and also manages the technology that connects your website to the Internet.
What is Web Hosting?

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The website is hosted or stored on a special computer called a server. When an Internet user wants to visit any site, he has to type the address or domain name of that site in the browser. The computer then connects to that website server and the web pages of that site are delivered to the user with the help of the browser. Is. A website cannot be created without web hosting. Some web hosting providers provide domain along with hosting. So now you know what web hosting is, now you must have understood what web hosting is.
Now let us talk about web hosting services. There are many web hosting providers available to host your website. What type of server do you and your business need? What is your budget and what type of service is the web host offering? Is. Generally 4 types of hosting services available are website builders, shared hosting, dedicated hosting and cloud hosting.
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So website builders first understand, then website builders which lack technical knowledge and provide hosting without any additional setup. In this hosting service, more than one website owner shares a server, in this type of hosting no one shares it, they utilize all the resources themselves, in this type of hosting you purchase your own server and in this way In a web server, you have complete control of the server. So you understood what web hosting is and how many types of web hosting services there are.
Now we will talk about cloud hosting, so if you have any doubt related to cloud hosting then definitely comment at the last of the article. Talking about cloud hosting, it is such a hosting, due to which many different copies of the storage of your website are created on the cloud resources.
What is Cloud Hosting ?
If we talk about cloud hosting, then cloud hosting is completely different from share hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated hosting. Most of the big blogs you might have seen are built on cloud hosting only. Because this means that the chances of your website going down are absolutely negligible.
In fact, in cloud hosting, the data of your website is automatically created on other servers also. If we explain you an example in simple language, then suppose you use a cloud hosting and all the data of your website is maintained on your server in Mumbai, that is, you run the website in India and its data is stored on the server. All your storage is maintained on your Mumbai server but also on the servers of different locations like Gujarat, Delhi or Bengal, that data is stored on their servers also automatically, now if ever there is any problem.
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Because of which your website goes down. So even if your server goes down, it will automatically connect your visitor to another server. So that your website will not go down, your user experience will not get spoiled and your website will run in front of the visitors as it should.
So the advantage of this is that your website never goes down due to any reason, whereas if we tell you about the benefits of this cloud hosting, then if there is a lot of traffic in your website then cloud hosting can handle it easily. Your data is stored in different servers, which reduces the chances of losing your data.
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While using cloud hosting not only increases the speed of your website, but if we talk about security, then this server is considered to be the most secure. So, hopefully friends, your doubts related to cloud hosting would have been cleared. If you still have any question in your mind, then do comment in the comment box, I will reply to it timely.